There are plenty of sites out there will charge you a small fortune for creating backlinks to you site. The unfortunate reality is that allot of these are often poor quality and add little value to your site rank .In this article, youâll find a list of free backlinks sites.
What makes these a good option to use for free website backlinks is that they have high Domain Authority so any backlink would have greater benefit to the SEO of you site. Some of these links are also dofollow backlinks which pass the most PageRank value for SEO while others are nofollow links that can still improve your siteâs backlink profile.
If youâre want to increase your websiteâs rankings in the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, then this free high quality backlinks list can help you.
1 Google Sites
Google Sites is one of the the best websites for free backlinks in my experience. It can be set up in a matter of minutes and has a really great user interface. Sound good? then Google Sites is what you need. Anyone with a Gmail account can set up a Google Site and quickly place links back to their website all not no cost. Another great benefit is that these sites get indexed quickly and so you should start seeing results in no times.

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2 Blogger
Blogger is another great Google owned property you can use for link building. You can set up a free blog in minutes and start promoting your brand add links to your best content as another way to increase Page Authority for those URLs.